5.20. Dealing with strings#

Text is the dominant way in which bioinformatics data is stored and shared. So any bioinformatician needs to become expert in manipulating text data.

The most common tasks concern:

  • Transforming lines in a file into data types that can be processed

  • Transforming python objects into text so it can be written to a file

All such text manipulation involves the string data type, so becoming deeply familiar with what strings are and how to interrogate and manipulate them is crucial.

5.20.1. Creating a string type from a non-string type#

All objects in python can be turned into a string using the str() function.

num = 42
num_as_str = str(num)
print(type(num_as_str), num_as_str)
<class 'str'> 42

Even complex objects, which I demonstrate using a list.

data = ["text", 42, 3.14]
data_as_str = str(data)
"['text', 42, 3.14]"

Being able to convert complex objects into strings is useful for display to screen since it gives you exact insight into the state of an object during program execution. It’s less useful as precursor for storage because there is no universally simple (and secure) operation for reconstructing the original objects. This latter issue is a case of “data serialisation” and is beyond the scope of these notes [1].

5.20.2. Defining strings#

Defining a string can be done using balanced quote marks. You can use either single ('), or double (") quotes. For instance

single = 'text'


double = "text"

are both valid and equal.

single == double

The convention is to use double quotes.

An empty string is defined by balanced quotes with nothing between them.

empty = "" How to include a quote character in a string#

Since we define a string using quotes, including a quote character can be solved in two ways. By “escaping” (see Raw strings and escaping characters) the quotes with a preceding backslash (\).

text = "escaping \"quotes\""
escaping "quotes"

Or, defining the string with the other type of quote. In this example, the string is defined using single quotes so we can safely include double quote characters in the string. This approach is preferred since it’s more readable.

text = 'escaping "quotes"'
escaping "quotes"

5.20.3. Literal strings#

This is a special case in which the strings can include line breaks and other formatting. These are created by triple-quoting. For instance

multi_line = """We can have multiple lines of content.

And blank lines etc..
We can have multiple lines of content.

And blank lines etc..

The actual formatting is revealed by using the representation of the object [2].

'We can have multiple lines of content.\n\nAnd blank lines etc..\n'

Literal strings are most often used for writing documentation strings (or docstrings) on functions and methods.

5.20.4. Special characters in strings – tabs, new lines, spaces#

White space exists in files in part to make it easier for humans to understand the contents. (Reading this text if there were no spaces between the words would be a massive cognitive strain.) It also exists in files to make it easier to separate different types of data. So it is crucial to know what white space is (beyond it’s central role in the Python language itself). I’m showing the most common below.

using_space = "separate words"
separate words
using_tab = "separate\twords"
separate	words
using_newline = "separate\nlines"

5.20.5. Finding out things about a string#

We often want to know whether a string contains a particular character or substring [3]. There are specific string methods and more general Python approaches to discovering this. Using standard Python operators#

Let’s look at the general Python approach first. We can compare strings in a number of ways. We can ask whether they have the same value.

i = "ab"
j = "b"
i == j

We can ask whether a substring is part of a string using the in operator.

j in i

In this second case, there is no information about where the substring is located only that there is a “match”. Using string methods#

If you’re not sure what a method is, read Methods. Briefly, if we want to establish whether some text data has a particular property we first need to be able to reference the data by the name of the variable storing it. This variable is called an “instance” of type str. In object-oriented languages like python, we then use a method on that instance to evaluate the property of interest.

Returning to the task of finding substrings, we can establish whether a string contains a substring using the find() method. In this case, an integer is returned.

index = i.find(j)
type(index), index
(int, 1)

In this case, the value tells you whether the substring exists (index >= 0) and where, in the string, the first instance occurs. There are other search related methods too [4].


The general pattern in using a method is you first specify the object and then the method of interest like so <instance>.<method name>(). Useful string descriptor methods#

Other common string processing tasks concern checking the beginning of a string, or the end of a string. The former is commonly encountered for processing file formats where lines start with specific characters. The latter commonly encountered when processing filenames.

path = "data/chrom1.fa"
is_data = path.startswith("data")

5.20.6. Transforming strings#

One common string transformation operation involves removing specific characters. Here it’s useful to utilise positional information. For instance, if you’re reading lines from a text file you know that the line will end with a trailing new line character (depending on your operating system). In this instance, the strip() method is what you want. The steps to doing this are:

  1. Have the variable of interest

  2. Call the strip() method

  3. Assign the result of the call to a variable.

In this example, I’m defining a line variable with leading and trailing white space and some internal white space of different types. To remove leading/trailing using the strip() method.

line = "  ORF1ab\t himalayan  palm civet\n"
'  ORF1ab\t himalayan  palm civet\n'
trimmed = line.strip()
'ORF1ab\t himalayan  palm civet'

Another approach to removing characters is to use the replace() method. Removing the new line character is easy, since it is unique. We replace characters by specifying what we want to replace and what we wish to replace it with. In this case, we wish to remove the "\n" and replace it with nothing so we specify an empty string as the second argument.

trimmed_via_replace = line.replace("\n", "")
'  ORF1ab\t himalayan  palm civet'

That doesn’t address the leading spaces problem. We could do so by line.replace(". ", ""), but that has an unfortunate side-effect.

trimmed_via_replace = trimmed_via_replace.replace("  ", "")
'ORF1ab\t himalayanpalm civet'

We have concatenated two words together because there was a double space between them too. So strip() is better for handling the start/end of strings.

Another key string transformation is to split a string into pieces. Working with trimmed, if we split at the tab character ("\t") we get a list of strings back.

data = trimmed.split("\t")
['ORF1ab', ' himalayan  palm civet']

If we then want to clean up the items in data, removing their leading trailing spaces, we need to call strip() on each item. This is solved by doing a loop.

data = [item.strip() for item in data]
['ORF1ab', 'himalayan  palm civet']

In doing that we can see there’s still two spaces in one item. We will address that at the end.

5.20.7. Preparing data for writing to file#

In order to do this, we often need to concatenate items into being a single string. The most common so called “delimited” file format is csv (which stands for comma separated). So we will now convert data into a single string with the items separated by a comma.

In this case, our data instance is a list and its items are all strings. Transforming these into a single string requires defining the string you want to join them with and using the join() method on that instance.

csv_line = ",".join(data)
'ORF1ab,himalayan  palm civet'

This output highlights the fact that one of the items has an unwanted double space. How can ensure that we have a csv delimited file where all items are separated by a single space and have no leading or trailing white space?

We do that by combining the above. We start by doing it the long-handed, but explicit, way – using a for loop – building the algorithm up in increasingly longer pieces.

We start again with the tab-split.

data = trimmed.split("\t")

We then loop over the items in data, and apply strip and then split. Why in that order? because strip() works with the ends of the string and returns another string while split() affects the entire string.

cleaned = []
for item in data:
    item = item.split()
['himalayan', 'palm', 'civet']

That output shows, the first time through the loop, we get back a list with a single member. The Second time through the loop, we get back a list with 3 members. What we want is to join the words with a single space. We know from above what join() will do on a list with multiple members (puts the character in between them), but what will it do to a list with one member? Let’s experiment!

one = ["one"]
" ".join(one)

That experiment shows the method will just return the single string member. Awesome! So let’s transform list item in our for loop into a string using this join.

cleaned = []
for item in data:
    item = item.split()
    item = " ".join(item)
himalayan palm civet

Well that works, so now let’s just add it to the cleaned list variable.

cleaned = []
for item in data:
    item = item.split()
    item = " ".join(item)

['ORF1ab', 'himalayan palm civet']

Getting excited now! Let’s finish off this production of a cleaned csv delimited line.

cleaned = []
for item in data:
    item = item.split()
    item = " ".join(item)

cleaned = ",".join(cleaned)
'ORF1ab,himalayan palm civet' Not done yet…#

We can clean this code up quite a bit. First, we can combine the first two lines of the loop into a single statement. Because the split() method returns an instance that’s compatible with the required input of the join() method, we can combine these into a single statement without needing to define an intermediate variable.

cleaned = []
for item in data:
    item = " ".join(item.split())

cleaned = ",".join(cleaned)
'ORF1ab,himalayan palm civet'

This does exactly the same thing as before since – just like in mathematics – expressions are evaluated from the inner most parentheses first (i.e. item.split() is called first, then " ".join()).

We can go further since the result of " ".join() produces output compatible with the required input of append().

cleaned = []
for item in data:
    cleaned.append(" ".join(item.split()))

cleaned = ",".join(cleaned)
'ORF1ab,himalayan palm civet'

And even further

cleaned = [" ".join(item.split()) for item in data]
cleaned = ",".join(cleaned)
'ORF1ab,himalayan palm civet'

and further

cleaned = ",".join([" ".join(item.split()) for item in data])
'ORF1ab,himalayan palm civet' Just because you can doesn’t mean you should!#

Hopefully, that’s not an unfamiliar realisation. The difference between the long-winded way and the much more compact expression is, at least, a loss of some clarity. The more compact expression is somewhat harder to understand and definitely harder to debug should anything go wrong.

My advice is to be more verbose as you learn to program and gradually increase the compactness of your code as these patterns become more familiar.

5.20.8. But wait, it’s still not ready to write to a file!#

Good catch! Unless you really want to have all your data on a single line, you should end the line with a line feed character. This can be done with the following addition

out = cleaned + "\n"

and then this can be safely written into a file onto its own line and thus readily recovered at a later date.

5.20.9. Other really useful methods on string objects#

Useful string methods#

Method name

Method does


Counting characters in the string.


Converting to a different character sets (e.g. to bytes).


Whether string starts with a substring.


Whether string ends with a substring.


Find the index of substring.


Like find but raises an exception if not present.


Replace substring.


Splits the string at new line characters.


Convert the string to all lower case.


Convert the string to all upper case.

These are all accessed using the <instance variable>.<method name>() approach.

5.21. Exercises#

text = "        Use this sample text\n\tfor the following\n        exercises.\n  "
        Use this sample text
	for the following

Using text:

  1. Remove leading / trailing white-space.

  2. Replace each tab character with 8 spaces.

  3. Split text into a list of the separate lines.

  4. Using the result of the last step, concatenate using a single space character.

  5. Write two successive python statements that transform text so that there are only single spaces between words and there are no line-breaks?

    The expected output is.

    'Use this sample text for the following exercises.'