Notation used throughout

4. Notation used throughout#

Throughout these notes, we rely on different formatting of text to provide semantic meaning. For instance a_variable has what is referred to as a literal style. Here’s a table showing the font and notation styles used throughout and what they mean.

Notation used#




Refers to a variable with name a_variable in a program.


Really just a different type of variable, but the parentheses indicate it’s a function.


This is a command and has the same style as the above 2, but refers to the python program (not the language). You figure out what is being referred to from the context.

$ command

Indicates a command executed at a terminal prompt.

<some variable>

You know the characters \(<\) and \(>\) from mathematical notation where they mean less than and greater than respectively. In this usage, we call them ‘angle brackets’ and they surround a variable that the user (you) needs to fill in.


Denotes a variable in the mathematical sense.