How to Contribute

3. How to Contribute#

It’s easy for you to contribute to improving these notes. If you have a suggestion for improvement, want to let me know you find something difficult to understand, or you’ve identified something which you think is incorrect, then please raise an issue.

For directly editing the content you only need to write simple text. While you’re reading this as a web-page, the actual document is written in restructuredText (a lite-weight markup language) and converted to html using the excellent Sphinx project.

To make simple corrections, you probably don’t need to deal with the syntax issues. To start editing, just click on the “Edit on GitHub” icon (top right of the page) and follow the prompts. As you will quickly find out, however, you will need a GitHub account. This is a good thing. I strongly encourage you to sign up as yourself (i.e. don’t use a student ID) as any contribution you make adds to your reputation which will only be meaningful if its obviously linked to who you are, not the universities “identifier” (e.g. my GitHub ID is just my name). As this is a publicly viewable repository, other people will see your contribution (plus I’ll add you to the acknowledgements!).