7.12. Glossary of terms#
- data
An alignment of sequences descended from a common ancestor.
- estimate
The value of a parameter obtained from a population sample. Statisticians employ “hat” notation to identify a quantity as being an estimate of a parameter, e.g. \(\hat \pi_A\) is an estimate of the parameter \(\pi_A\)
- fit a model
Numerical optimisation of parameters in a model. In the case of maximum likelihood, the model parameters are selected that produce the maximum likelihood of observing the data under the model
- free parameter
A model parameter whose value is not fixed during numerical optimisation, hence the parameter is free to vary
- maximum likelihood
A method of parameter estimation
- maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs)
The estimated values of model parameters after fitting
- parameter
A parameter is a term in a model. More generally, it refers to the true value of a quantity from a population.
- rate matrix (Q)
A square matrix with off-diagonal elements ≥ 0 and row sums of 0. Represents the instantaneous rate of change from the row label state (e.g. a nucleotide) to a column label state (e.g. another nucleotide)
- substitution matrix (P)
A square matrix of probabilities, with row sums of 1. Represents the probability of substituting the row label state with the column label state for a given time interval. Typically derived from Q by matrix exponentiation.
- rate parameter
A component of Q, specifying the instantaneous rate of change between row and column states
- tree, phylogenetic tree
A graph displaying the relationship among sequences
- branch length
On a phylogenetic tree, the expected number of substitutions per site for a specific branch. This is a parameter estimated by maximum likelihood
- site
A column in a multiple sequence alignment
- Likelihood ratio (LR)
A test statistic that is distributed \(\chi^2\) with degrees of freedom equal to the difference in the number of free parameters between alternate and null models.
- number of free parameters (nfp)
Parameters in the likelihood function that are “free” – can be modified by the numerical optimiser – to modify the fit to data.
- degrees of freedom (df)
A quantity defining the difference in the number of parameters between two models.