8.8. Overview of cogent3
can be though of as customised functions that have some special capabilities. The approach to using an existing app is to construct a configured instance, typically by calling the app with some argument values tuned for your particular case. You then apply it to input data by simply calling, without specifying any arguments.
There are quite a few apps and you can see an overview of what’s available as follows
from cogent3 import available_apps
apps = available_apps()
module | name | composable | doc | input type | output type |
cogent3.app.align | align_to_ref | True | Aligns sequences to a nominated reference in the unaligned collection. | SequenceCollection | Alignment, ArrayAlignment, SerialisableType |
cogent3.app.evo | ancestral_states | True | Computes ancestral state probabilities from a model result. | model_result | SerialisableType, tabular_result |
cogent3.app.dist | approx_jc69 | True | Converts p-distances and returns pairwise JC69 distances | DistanceMatrix | DistanceMatrix |
cogent3.app.dist | approx_pdist | True | Calculates an approximation of the p-distance between sequences based on Jaccard distances (see Notes for details). | DistanceMatrix | DistanceMatrix |
cogent3.app.evo | bootstrap | True | Parametric bootstrap for a provided hypothesis. | Alignment, ArrayAlignment | SerialisableType, bootstrap_result |
Top 5 rows from 54 rows x 6 columns
That function returns a cogent3 table, so I’m just displaying the first few rows.
See the cogent3 apps documentation for more details.
8.9. Getting help on an app#
To get information on a particular app, use the special app_help()
function, passing the name of the app as a string.
from cogent3 import app_help
Define a substitution model + tree for maximum likelihood evaluation.
Options for making the app
model_app = get_app(
sm : str or instance
substitution model if string must be available via get_model()
if None, assumes a star phylogeny (only valid for 3 taxa). Can be a
newick formatted tree, a path to a file containing one, or a Tree
unique_trees : bool
whether to specify a unique tree per alignment. Only applies if
number of sequences equals 3.
tree_func: callable
a callable that takes an alignment and returns a Tree instance.
Overrides tree and unique_tree settings.
name : str
name of the model
optimise_motif_probs : bool
whether the motif probabilities are free parameters. If False,
takes the average of frequencies from the alignment. Overrides
the setting of a sub model instance, or any value provided in
sm_args : dict
arguments to be passed to the substitution model constructor
lf_args : dict
arguments to be passed to the likelihood function constructor
Affects whether substitution model rate parameters are
heterogeneous between branches on the tree. To define a maximally
time-heterogeneous model, set the string value 'max', which
makes all rate matrix exchangeability parameters unique for all
edges. More restricted time-heterogeneity can be specified
using a list of dicts corresponding to edge_sets, e.g.
``[dict(edges=['Human', 'Chimp'], is_independent=False, upper=10)]``.
This value is passed to <likelihood function>.set_time_heterogeneity()
param_rules : list
other parameter rules, passed to
<likelihood function>.set_param_rule()
opt_args : dict
arguments for the numerical optimiser, e.g.
dict(max_restarts=5, tolerance=1e-6, max_evaluations=1000,
lower, upper
bounds for all rate and length parameters. Ignored if a
rule in ``param_rules`` or ``time_het`` has a value defined.
split_codons : bool
if True, incoming alignments are split into the 3 frames and each
frame is fit separately
show_progress : bool
show progress bars during numerical optimisation
verbose : bool
prints intermediate states to screen during fitting
Calling an instance with an alignment returns a model_result instance
with the optimised likelihood function. In the case of split_codons,
the result object has a separate entry for each codon position.
Input type
ArrayAlignment, Alignment
Output type
SerialisableType, model_result